28th of March - Washington DC
After having breakfast we cleaned up Gunjans living
room which was our home for 3 nights.
We travelled on to Norfolk, right next to Virginia Beach in Virginia (quite obvious, isn't it?)
We just wanted to stay in Norfolk for a night so we can move on to the outer banks the next day.
We surfed Kevin and Britts couch, thanks for the hosting ;)
It was a funny time, even it was just for one night.
We had thai dinner which was really delicious... thai became one of my favorites during this trip.
We also bought a tent in Norfolk so we can go camping in the southern states.
On the 29th of March we continued our trip to the outer banks,
heading towards ocracoke island, an island with only about 600 people
living on it.
After driving a few miles we had no cellphone signal
anymore and the gas prices increased to 4.20 dollar a gallon. (well...
thats about 90 Euro Cents a liter, in Germany you pay almost 1,70 € a
liter which makes it about 8 to 8.50 dollar a gallon). We reached North
Carolina and took the ferry to Ocracoke Island
The Ocracoke Island beach is crazy... you can go there and walk for 10 miles and there is nothing but beach... no beach bar, no street, no car, almost no humans at this time in the year
Let me make you jealous of us a little bit... Ocracoke Island is a paradise and our hotel, the captains landing was great too. We had a suite and a great view.
Our hotel was located directly at the waterside, we had a big terrace, 2 bathrooms and a kitchen.
This is the captains landing as it lookes from the waterside
We went to the Ocracoke lighthouse which looks really nice.
We looked for 2 geocaches and found a secret beach.
Ocracoke Island must be very crowded in summertime as it is a paradise for vacation.
On 30th of March we took the 2 1/2 hour ferry from Ocracoke Island to Cedar Island, heading towards Wilmington.
We went to a steak house for dinner... american steak is simply... wow, i loved it.
We arrived in Wilmington at our couchsurfing hosters place and nobody was there. The door was open, we waited about 2 hours, started writing that blog.
We took a cab to go to a beach bar, had some beer, were back home about 2am.
The 31st of March started as a rainy day... so what to do on a rainy day in a beach town... what about... a shooting range?
It was the first time shooting a real gun for Daniel and me. A great experience, have to do that again.
In the picture you can see me loading our Springfield XDM 9mm.
In the left picture you can see Daniel shooting at the targets.
Shooting is a great experience, the power you can feel in that weapon, crazy.
In that picture you can see me shooting at the targets.
After the shooting lane we went to a state park. Pretty forrest, amazing amount of different flowers and that little green lizard you can see in this picture.
Next part: Savannah (Georgia) and Orlando (Florida)
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